Infection Control Services

Infection Control
Construction activities in health-care and long-term care facilities can release dust containing fungal spores and bacteria that can be serious or fatal to patients and therefore require rigorous infection control protocols.

Hoardings and Containment Systems

We provide experienced project managers to establish negative pressure containment systems that are required to complete abatement/hygiene/construction/demolition/dust control projects in healthcare facilities. Following specific and established guidelines and control plans in medical environments where there may additional risks to patient populations – based upon the criteria set out in the CSA Standard for infection control.

Update: Canadian Haz-Mat Environmental Ltd follows universal cleaning guidelines set out by the CDC for both Influenza and Covid-19.

This work can often include the abatement of mould and/or asbestos under infection control guidelines.

Canadian HAZ-MAT Environmental Ltd provides Infection Control services to health facilities. This work is focused on following infection control plans (ICP’s) and working closely with health professionals so our staff can carry out work/hygiene/abatement within or around healthcare facilities to avoid impacting ongoing operations and taking into account the sensitivities of patients and staff.  This work is closely monitored and usually incorporates (additional) safety controls, training and hygiene (as well as dust & noise control)  in order to limit the potential impact of this work.

Local invention improves infection control, speeds repairs/renovations at North Island Hospital