About Us

worker removing asbestos materials

Canadian Haz-mat Environmental is an independent asbestos removal company based in Victoria, B.C. With a strong focus on education and improving public awareness of the dangers associated with asbestos. We support banning inappropriate uses of asbestos as a cause that pretty much anyone can get behind. We strongly believe Canada needs to build financial incentives (effective forms of subsidization) into the identification, abatement and disposal of asbestos from Canadian homes and businesses if we are to effectively address this problem.

If you are selecting an asbestos abatement contractor we expect you to have lots of questions, we always welcome questions about our comprehensive liability  insurance, staff certifications, training and experience. We are more then happy to answer any and all questions and to discuss your project and ways that we may be able to help – please don’t hesitate to give us a call: (250) 891 8611 or send us an email.