WorkSafe BC: Public not getting the message about asbestos


“Today, the most common way to be exposed to asbestos is by unsafe practices during demolition and renovation of homes and buildings.”

People still aren’t getting the hint about asbestos, apparently.

So, in yet another push to build awareness around the deadly substance, WorkSafeBC is again urging owners of pre-1990s homes to talk to their contractor about asbestos before starting home renovations or a demolition.

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About hazmat

Canadian HAZ-MAT Environmental an independent Victoria BC based asbestos abatement company with a strong focus on education and improving public awareness of the dangers associated with asbestos. We support banning inappropriate uses of asbestos as a cause that pretty much anyone can get behind. We strongly believe Canada needs to build financial incentives (effective forms of subsidization) into the identification, abatement and disposal of asbestos from Canadian homes and businesses if we are to effectively address this problem.